Mar 06, 2018
Dr. Barry Flinchbaugh
Agricultural Policy

Dr. Flinchbaugh represents the agricultural community through his active participation in the development of U.S. agricultural policy. His service on numerous national task forces, boards of directors, and advisory groups has allowed him to provide input on domestic food and agriculture policy. He served as Chairman of the Commission on 21st Century Production Agriculture authorized in the 1996 FAIR ACT.  Dr. Flinchbaugh teaches a course in Agricultural Policy and Lectures throughout Kansas and the nation. Mr. Flinchbaugh joined KSU in 1971, and has conducted statewide public affairs educational programs in such areas as financing state and local government, food and agricultural policy, use value appraisal of Kansas farmland, and water policy. He served for four years as special Assistant to the President of KSU. Mr. Flinchbaugh served for five years as Chairman of the prestigious Alfred M. Landon lecture series on public issues. Mr. Flinchbaugh has been Director of Board of Trade of Kansas City, Missouri, Inc. and served in various other agricultural leadership roles.